About Alexander

Alexander is a Great Dane, born on May 12, 2006. He just turned four.

We picked Alexander out because he was the quiet one in the corner. He was so sweet and lovable. He came into our home to meet Baylee, our five year old (at the time) Great Dane. Baylee immediately ran from him, looking at us like, “what the heck is that?!?!”

Alexander (Xander) came into our lives as a whirlwind. He was a crazy little (not for long) puppy with an attitude. He made it clear NOT to get in the way of his food, or else. He loved toys, still does, and would howl along with anything that squeaked!

We began socializing Xander early, bringing him with us everywhere. This caused a little problem when he could no longer fit in the front seat, yet he insisted…..

Xander grew so fast, even as much as we tried not to let him! Great Danes are required a specific diet to prevent their bones from growing too quickly and becoming malformed. Despite all our efforts, Xander gained 8-15 pounds a week! He has finally topped out at 165 pounds and 39 inches tall….at his shoulder!

2 thoughts on “About Alexander”

  1. Xander, you are such a handsome boy. There is nothing more irresistable than a Dane puppy! Tell your Mom to email me any time if she has questions about life as a Tripawd Dane.

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