Well, today is THE day. We woke up, if we even slept at 6 am. We brought him to the vets for his surgery, I promised I would only give him pawsitve vibes. So we sat there talking with the tech, asking the 100 questions on my mind, telling her about his RAW diet, then it was time to hand over the leash…..
The tech mentioned how calm and awesome my husband and I were being, I had to tell her how hard it was, we were holding everything in as Alexander feeds off other’s energy.
I bent down, got some big wet slobby kisses and told him to go on, have fun. He promptly dragged the vet tech over to the scale and jumped up. He stood there looking at us like, “Well, isn’t this what I am supposed to do here?” That certainly got a good laugh out of us!
It was a tough ride home, somehow I did not break down and cry! I got home, my husband went to work. As I sat there it felt like each hour added more weight to my chest. About 11am I had to take a Xanaxx to calm my nerves. I promptly fell asleep.
At 1:30, I got the call from the vet’s office. Alexander did beautifully. There was no problem with anesthesia, no complication with the surgery and he is now recovering. He is in ICU all night, they want to keep him calm and rested. We will be able to see him tomorrow!!!
I am so happy right now, it is ridiculous. I am anxious to see him, but I really am no longer nerous about seeing the leg. I just want to go get more slobby kisses!
Thank you ALL for being so supportive. I don’t know what I would have done without this wonderful outlet for everything!!!